Peinlichkeiten allenthalben, hier die Vorankündigung für Montes WoD. Unglaublich stillos insbesondere:
What is the World of Darkness? – It’s a place very much like our world, sharing the same history, culture and geography. Superficially, most people in this fictional world live the same lives we do. They eat the same food, wear the same clothes, and waste time watching the same TV shows. And yet, in the World of Darkness, shadows are deeper, nights are darker, fog is thicker. If, in our world, a neighborhood has a rundown house that gives people the creeps, in the World of Darkness, that house emits strange sighs on certain nights of the year, and seems to have a human face when seen from the corner of one’s eye. Or so some neighbors say. In our world, there are urban legends. In the World of Darkness, there are urban legends whispered into the ears of autistic children by invisible spiders.
„Schreiberling, wie groß sind sie?“
„Aha, wußte garnicht, daß man Scheiße so hoch stapeln kann.“
Wunderst Du Dich mit, dann gehe zur 400.
Willst Du Dir die Sache lieber nochmal anschauem, dann gucke bei 245 nach.
Fragst Du Dich, was will der Hofrat von mir, der Artikel ist doch gut, dann gehe bitte zu Abschnitt 37.