Kaffe kochen, lesen.
Und ich hatte recht: Paladine spielen ist ganz einfach: „Tu was Deine Gottheit fördert“ shalt be the whole of the law.
Mein Lieblingsteil, zum Thema Level-Drain-Untote, und der grund warum ich kaum Computer spiele:
Q: Some gamers say poison and level draining in AD&D are too deadly. Do you disagree, and did those dangers see frequent use in your campaign?A: No I don’t agree with those wimpy whiners who are afraid of a few living dead.
There were always plenty of them in the adventures I ran, and likewise in those that I was playing in. For example, in one Jim Ward scenario, the first monsters we encountered were liches attacking us with rods of cancellation. This was likely in revenge for some of the perils Jim had to face with me as DM, such as when a vampire had his PC trapped. Darned if Jim didn’t roll well enough to force the vampire to dust-mote form while I couldn’t hit his PC no matter what.
First, a cleric or two with a party means the threat is lessened dramatically. Second, MUs have plenty of long-range spells to deal with undead. Third, most other PC types have enough armor to make hitting them pretty difficlt. In general, the alert and wary party will not be surprised by undead and will be able to stay at a distance to make touch by the undead difficult. Wise players know when to have their PCs run away. In extremis, leost levels can be restored by use of wishes and clerical spells.
Next those crybabies will be moaning about being turned to stone.
Tell the complainers they should be playing a CRPG where they can save and thus avoid all real danger–ues cheat codes too .
Zum O.R.K.