Rollenspiel als Gasriese

Greg Cpic1025508_mdostikyan: What do you think the role of roleplaying games is and will be in gaming?

Marc Miller: Role-playing games are really big right now. Personally, I see it taking care of a major problem serious gamers have always had — which is the closet Nazi. Once upon a time, we had a lot of problems with people who really wanted to be the Germans, not because they’re Nazis but because they’re really good, or because they had colorful uniforms. And those people were kind of men without a country. They didn’t really have any place to go, and it ended up that the closet Nazi syndrome appealed to them.

Now, they wear armor and carry swords and slay dragons – which is a more healthy enterprise, I think. That’s what happend [sic], that a lot of people really transfer their feelings into the role-playing — something which wasn’t available to them before. To some extent, that has cleared the historical market out.

GC: I know what you mean. It is amazing, some of the people who get deeply involved in role-playing. I know several people who have essentially flunked out of college because they’re playing D&D or one of the role-playingg games to such an extent that tehy don’t get the work done.

MM: Right. And they used to do it when they were playing Russian Front games. Mow they do it with role-playing games, and I at least think it’s healthier. They aren’t forced now to feel Nazi feelings — anyone can feel fantasy feelings without being looked down upon politically or socially. I think it’s a lot healthier. i see a lot of expansion of roleplaying into other fields. I see some mating of role-playing with the boardgames. I see specific areas turning up role-playing games — like piracy, like World War II — which hasn’t been done yet. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, those role-playing games are going to be minor. The major emphasis is on people who live alternative lives, and the Society for Creative Anachronism is another aspect of the same thing. Fields for role-playing are relatively limited in that sense, for people who’ll grow totally dedicated to them. They end up being science fiction and fantasy.

MOVES magazine nr. 51 June-July 1980, SPI, New York

Und heute? Hat WoW die Karawane weiterziehen lassen?

Zur O.R.K.-dépendance

Der Disney-Schock 3.0 Hasbro Edition

Es raunt und flüstert fast gar nicht mehr Leise: Disney will nun, nach Marvel und Lucasfilm, Hasbro kaufen. Wer Hasbro besitzt, dem gehört so ziemlich alles, was es an amerikanischem Spielzeug nennenswertes gibt. Das beudeutet Wizards of the Coast. und jetzt wird es schweinisch: das bedeutete eben, neben D&D, auch Avalon Hill und SPI!
Disney traue ich zu, Star Wars nicht schlechter als Lucas zu verwalten. Aber Advanced Squad Leader oder Strategy & Tactics? Alles nur möglich durch WoTCs = Hasbros Desinteresse an den Marken SPI und Avalon Hill. Meine Hoffnung ist, daß die IP-Dogmatiker von Disney beim Anblick der Lizenzregelungen für MMP und vor allem bei der Einigung mit Critical Hit soviel Bauchschmerzen bekommen…dazu ist noch so wenig Geld im Spiel… vielleicht lassen sie TAHGC und SPI einfach gehen.
Dem Auorenrechten sei es gedankt, daß Empires in Arms wieder Harry Rowland gehört.